
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Baseball Essay

Nine players, a dusty field, wooden sticks, and a ball. When you come down to it, America’s favorite  pastime may not actually be everyone’s favorite. A rational thinker, like myself, could argue that America’s favorite sport shouldn't be baseball, but rather replaced by a new and fresh sport, basketball.

Baseball has been known as America’s favorite pastime since even the late 1800’s when the sport was just beginning to become popular. Many say that one of the major reasons baseball is America’s pastime is that it dates back to our grandfathers and even generations before them. Baseball’s first recorded game was played at Elysian Fields on June 19, 1846. Around this time baseball was at its peak of popularity, brewing amidst the Civil War to become the country’s new love.

The Civil War began on April 12, 1861 with the attack on Fort Sumter in South Carolina. During the four bloodiest years our country has ever witnessed, baseball was people’s escape from their otherwise stressful lives in the midst of a war. Baseball was a huge favorite for people back in times like the Civil War when they worked hard, usually twelve hours a day seven days a week. Going out to the baseball field on a Saturday afternoon to sit back and relax to watch the game was very relaxing. People were hungry for the chance to just relax together.

Fast forward a century and a half. In today’s times, the general public isn't so intrigued with the idea  of heading out to the baseball field to burn in the sun and squint until we can finally see what’s going on. For most, sitting and baking in the sun while agonizing over what inning it is isn't very exciting. The present day culture of our generation is hungry for fast paced entertainment, not sitting around waiting for the action to happen.

In the modern world we live in today, what people thought of years ago as ‘relaxing’ would now be thought of as boring to us. Times have changed and that is one of the major reasons baseball is being overlooked by new sport’s fans often. Most people today enjoy the continuous action and excitement of basketball compared to a baseball game that can drag on for what seems like forever. With few boring moments, basketball is a fast upcoming game that is catching a wide range of viewer’s attention, and reflecting the fast paced modern lifestyle to which we are accustomed.

Although basketball may not be an elder in the history of sports, it is definitely making its name known around the world but it didn't come easy. For years after the game was invented in 1891, there were no federations concerning just basketball formed. It wasn't until 1932 that an international federation was made specifically for basketball. Fewer than three years later the federation was recognized. But even before the FIBB was formed, a federation that handled all hand ball sports. After six years of no progress or even any meetings, the IAHF’s power was handed down to the FIBB who later took on just basketball and everything then took place. Basketball continued to grow and had to take huge steps to get to the level that is it now nationally and internationally.

In general, it’s clear that there are many flaws overlooked in our nation’s said, favorite pastime. As the world grows and changes through technological advances and in other ways, shouldn't our nation’s favorite sports be too? Basketball is a relevant sport that is becoming more and more popular, so why be stuck squinting into the sun, waiting for something exciting to happen at the baseball game, when over at the basketball arena there’s enough action to keep you glued to your seat?

Friday, May 31, 2013

Science Group Write-Up: Basketball Experiment

Author’s Note: This was written after our Science Group conducted an experiment that at the time we thought was well thought out and successful. Shortly after the fact, we realized that to administrate a clean and concrete experiment we should have done things differently. This piece is a reflection of the plan we decided to put into action.

In hopes of answering the question, ‘Which size athlete is most effective in basketball,’ we conducted multiple test scenarios that we thought would give us a better understanding of what really is an ideal size for an athlete in basketball. In reflection after the tests were finished, our group came to a conclusion that many of the aspects in our laid back experiment could and should have been done in other ways.

Our original idea for this experiment was to take real scenarios from games and recreate those situations that put “bigs” against “littles” and vise-versa. Before the filming began, we somewhat scratched the surface of the scientific process when we created a hypothesis, but nonetheless, we needed to have gone more into depth throughout the entire experiment.

Throughout the experiment, we ran into many obstacles and found flaws, but especially towards the end we started to realize that the results we collected weren’t completely correct. Instead of taking a lax approach to the whole project, we needed to lay out what we were going to be focusing on from the beginning. A huge flaw we found after the fact was how much the scientific process comes into play and that if you’re going to use it,  the entire process should run smoother and be more concrete.

When we came into the experiment, a more organized plan was needed. To have made the experiment accurate, we could have followed through with the scientific process. This means using ‘PHEOC,’ identifying the problem, creating a hypothesis, putting together the experimental design, making our observations, and finally coming to a conclusion. Making only a hypothesis, one small part of the process isn’t sufficient enough, which is the only piece our group followed through on. Although following the scientific process may have been more work, in the end it would have made our experiment cleaner and overall more definite.

Along with any sort of test there are always variables, also a large part in the scientific process. There are constants, repeated trials and control, all aspects that we needed to define and incorporate into our experiment . In our specific case, the independent variable would be how we switched who was on offense and defense each test run. The parts of our experiment were not all that difficult to identify, but if we would have realized these pieces played a major role in our experiment, the result could have turned out completely different.

Looking back on the tests we did, in all there were many parts and pieces that should have been done in a different manner. In simple terms, if another experiment was to be done I would make sure the first thing I did was follow the scientific process. Additionally, knowing what you want your end result to be can drive you to get the most on point results and an overall excellent experiment.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Flow of An Ecosystem

Author's Note: The purpose of this piece was to explain how humans interact with ecosystems around us and how we do it, in addition to showing how one of our action's can affect the environment around us both positively and negatively.

Interaction. It’s a key word that we use when talking about human and environmental relationship. Without even knowing it, every day we affect ecosystems in our area and they affect our lives too. Doing something as simple as plopping down a new highway or street could lead to so many other problems in an ecosystem that may have never crossed our mind. In our eyes, an idea of a shortcut to work or a quicker drive to school could possibly lead to a disastrous chain of events for an ecosystem in our area.
Behind the scenes, nature has its own hidden order apart from us. In an ecosystem, there’s a continuous cycle that keeps everything in order, working through the things we don’t have to worry about. In an ecosystem, there are four types of organisms: the Producers, the Consumers, the Decomposers, and the Inorganic material. In this cycle of organisms, everything is constantly being recycled, and it all starts with the producers.
Producers (plants,) are known as autotrophs. Autotrophs are the plants who make their own food, and in the process give off oxygen. When plants make their own food it is called Photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is when C02, sunlight, and water is combined. This makes glucose (sugar) and oxygen at the same time.
Next is the Consumers. The consumers eat producers or even other consumers. That’s when the decomposers come in to break down the  producers and consumers. Once the organisms have been broken down, they basically become a part of the ground, or non-life. These ‘non-life things,’ are categorized into Inorganic Material.
Just like how there is a constant cycle of life through the Producers, Consumers, Decomposers, and Inorganic Material, we can’t forget about the energy flow.  Energy flow through an ecosystem is a bit different than the life cycle. There is a law called, ‘The Law of Conservation of Energy.’ This law states that energy can be neither created nor destroyed, and can only change form.
The main source of energy is the sun. The sun’s rays are classified into the Electro Magnetic Spectrum, which orders the amounts of speed and energy each wave gives off from the sun. Right in the middle of the Spectrum is the UV Rays. The UV rays are what the organisms receive from the sun in the form of energy, along with radiation.
Once an organism receives energy, it can be transferred from Producers to Consumers, Consumers to Decomposers, and Producers to Decomposers. That may sound confusing but basically it means that in the end, all of the energy is given to the Decomposers and nothing comes out of or transfers to the Inorganic Material. When any energy is transferred from the Producers, Consumers, or Decomposers, excess energy is given off as heat into the atmosphere.
It’s hard to imagine how any of this could be linked into our lives but when you break certain scenarios down, what may just be a small road construction could lead to major disaster someplace that’s meaningful to you. In the event of a highway build into a State Park, actions would have to be taken to make the site ready for construction. This could very well mean deforestation and other negative domino effects on the environment.
What may seem like, ‘starting fresh,’ is actually very harmful to the complex ecosystem of the area I’m focusing in on, Peninsula State Park in Door County. Annually, my family takes a trip to Peninsula State park to enjoy its beauty and gorgeous bike trails. None of this would be there if a highway project was approved.  
One of the first jobs done on a road or highway construction is clearing the area. Deforestation itself is destructive, but along with clearing out the trees comes other issues such as less coverage and lower oxygen levels. Along with that is the fact that when the trees are rooted up, out comes the roots with it. All of the trees roots hold the soil in place but when the roots get ripped out, the ground around it becomes loose. When the earth is loose and it rains, all of that washes away and usually into some sort of body of water like a river or stream, causing that to then clog.
More and more problems seem to accumulate from one simple idea a shortcut to work or more efficient travel for everyone. In reality, things and projects like this happen every day. Carelessness is one thing that we could easily fix if we would take a minute to determine the effects our intentions may have on the ecosystem short and long term. With the combination of rethinking and possibly redesigning a build, projects like this one could continue without the harmful effects on the environment around us.

     "Energy Flow in Ecosystems." CINCH Learning. McGraw/ Hill, n.d. Web. 11 June 2013. <>.   

Panera Argument

Author’s Note: My inspiration for this piece came from Hannah and my argument about which restaurant is overall better to eat at, Panera Bread or Noodles & Company? We set out to write each of our arguments about what we thought to be great about each of our chosen restaurants. To add another aspect to support our claims, we went to Panera and Noodles to snap some pictures so readers could refer to them as they read about each one in our pieces.

When given the turn to choose where family dinner is on a Saturday night, many deciding factors have to come into play to make full use of your power. In normal circumstances, I’d fall back on a safe choice like McDonald's or Wendy’s, but why not try somewhere healthier, smarter, and more delicious, like Panera?

In general, Panera is the best place on the market for modern, healthy, and mouthwatering food. This bakery-cafe eatery has been recognized for years as the one of the healthiest fast food restaurants in America. In 2012, Panera Bread was awarded the Casual Dining Brand of the Year along with the #2 Ranking Among Excellent Large Fast Food Chains. Since 2009, Panera has received 14 different awards for being among the highest quality fast food restaurants in the business.

Panera Bread offers more than just good food, you can get that at a lot of places. What is unique about it is that it combines delicious meals with healthy eating. At any Panera across the nation you’ll find a calorie total next to each food item on the menu. Additionally, on the restaurant’s website is an entire nutrition guide. Another plus is that Panera only uses the freshest in-season ingredients in their products; as well as all the bread you see is handmade daily.

In addition to the healthful menu, there are a few goodies slipped in. If you’re willing to spoil yourself, the bakery adds just the right touch to satisfy your sweet tooth after any meal. For dessert, head up to the bakery counter and grab a seasonally decorated cookie, muffin, scone, or anything sweet. If you're thirsty and need something just as good as your meal to wash it down with, Panera also serves specialty drinks such as smoothies, coffee drinks, tea and more. Each Panera provides breakfast, lunch, and dinner options, all equally delectable at every time of the day.

In all, Panera is a unique restaurant with perks that very few others provide. It is a healthy break from the usual greasy fast food most have been accustomed to. With the combination of mouthwatering food, healthy eating options and information, Panera should always be one of your top choices in restaurants no matter what meal it is!

"Panera Bread › Press Room › Awards & Recognition." Panera Bread › Home. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 May 2013. <